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Gay male looking for normal female friend

96317 Kronach

Hello! I'm a 30-year-old gay male (partnered) and a student, looking for a normal female friend The preferred part of the LGBTQ community would be awesome. Why female? Because I believe women are often more understanding and open-minded, and I feel straight men might sometimes be uncomfortable with my orientation.

About me: I'm definitely not boring. I'm fluent in English and have many stories to share. Unfortunately, I don't speak German yet, but I'm learning! I'm talkative and enjoy great conversations. I'm looking for a friend to chat with or grab a beer with on weekends. Just a normal, genuine friendship. I don't mind if you're straight, part of the LGBTQ+ community, or single. I just really need a friend cause I'm start to feeling down here, btw I'm also into sports and can coach you in the gym. Let's connect!

Weitere Angaben

  • InteressenKochen, Essen gehen, Spazieren, Wandern, Sport, Fitness, Natur, Garten, Kultur, Freunde treffen, Sonstiges


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Info zur Anzeige

  • Ort96317 Kronach
  • Anzeigen­typGesuch
  • Anzeigen­datum19.05.2024
  • Anzeigen­kennung5ffdbcef
  • Aufrufe dieser Anzeige108
  • KategorieKontakteFreundschaften
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