Autor/in:Nicolas Dickner
(ISBN-10: 0676978800)
Zustand:leichte Gebrauchsspuren
Vintage Canada
Gewicht:295 g
Beschreibung:Das Buch ist in sehr gutem gelesenem Zustand.
Keine Leseknicke im Buchrücken.
Die Bilder zeigen das zum Verkauf stehende Buch. Nichtraucherhaushalt.
Text gem. Einband:
"Stylish, oftbeat, poignant and perceptive."
David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas
"Sheherazade herself could not have devised a more intriguing tale than this fresh, whimsical contemporary Quebec novel."
Winnipeg Free Press
"Nikolski's comic brilliance is undeniable-a hugely enjoyable read."
Edmonton Journal
SPRING 1989. Three young people leave their far-flung birthplaces to follow their personal songs of migration. Each ends up in Montreal, each on a voyage of self-discovery, dealing with the mishaps of heartbreak and the rwisted branches of their shared family tree. With humour, charm and the sure touch of a born storyteller, Nicolas Dickner crafts a tale that shows the surprising links berween garbage-obsessed archaeologists, pirates past and present, earthquake victims, sea snakes, several very large tuna fish, an illiterate deep-sea diver, a Commodore 64, a mysterious book with no cover and a broken compass whose needle obstinately points to the Aleutian village of Nikolski.