Das Buch ist noch originalverpackt in Folie. Die Seitenzahl, das Erscheinungsjahr, den Verlag, den Erscheinungsort und den ehemaligen Ladenpreis habe ich bei Eurobuch.com recherchiert: Hardcover, ca. 24 x 30,5 cm, Monaco Books / Kunth Verlag München 2009, 400 Seiten, ca. 2300 Gramm, ehemaliger Ladenpreis: 29,90 Euro
"Structured by continent to aid orientation, this book offers a stimulating look at the geography, population, culture, economy, history and political system of every country on the planet. Special features highlight important global issues, explore vibrant world cities and provide an insight into the lifestyles and habits of native peoples and tribes around the globe. Double page spreads capture the essence of local industries, religion, culture customs and much more. A combination of breathtaking photographs and stimulating text, covering every corner of the earth, bring this fascinating, highly visual guide to life. The World Travel Encyclopedia serves well as both a practical reference and an inspiring back-ground read."